Moving to a Florida Home? Incorporate Your Personal Style with Florida Flavor!
Design and decor are like cake and icing, with precise combinations of materials and sweet finishing touches. If done correctly, the form and colors will complement one another and be delightfully befitting to each occasion. In your South Florida home, whether in Fort Myers, Naples, Estero, Bonita Springs, or nearby; the sunshine, coastal feel of the area can be incorporated into your home without sacrificing your personal tastes. At Tye Interior Design, we like to begin with what makes you smile, using materials, colors, and finishing touches to create a personalized space that fits the coastal, Florida ambiance.
Major Structural Renovations
“Measure twice, cut once,” has often been expressed as a helpful idiom when involved in building projects. The planning stage of such a significant project should be given adequate time and consideration before unwanted walls begin to come down. Your local historic preservation program will state any preservation laws that are applicable to your structure, and at Tye Interior Design, we can help you navigate these steps. Once you know the parameters you are able to work within, then it is time to start dreaming! Even if you plan to maintain the original integrity of the home, you still may need to level the home or repair some structural damage. If you are hoping to remove or add a wall or two in order to add functionality to the space while also retaining the historical beauty, this is possible and must be done while considering which walls are load-bearing or holding electrical or plumbing. This is where some surprises might come in! Thankfully, with infrared sensors and electrical tracing equipment, much of what is behind a wall can be identified before any walls are torn down. Whether you work with our team or another interior designer, make sure they partner with licensed and experienced architects and builders, so that during any major renovations, the structural integrity of your home is maintained.
Materials: What’s Your Style?
Before positioning throw pillows or displaying a new vase, take a step back and first consider the basic materials that lie under the splashes of color. Rooms may have wood or tile floors, sheetrock or paneled accent walls, or unique crown molding or trim. These basic materials are a foundation that must be considered before adding the icing on top! Consider the clothing in your closet, where basic materials lay a foundation for a winter wardrobe or summer wardrobe. Denser fabrics and heavier shoes are classic winter choices, while natural breathable fabrics boast a summer essence.
Which materials in your closet do you most admire? Your wardrobe is a great place to begin realizing your personal style. From here you may even find inspiration for drapery treatments to frame your windows and the view beyond. We can also assist you in discovering your style. As you look around your home and online for inspiration, notice also the varieties of flooring, which come in many different materials and textures. Engineered hardwood is a common favorite material, as it is durable, like jeans, and timeless, like chocolate cake!
Colors: The Sea’s the Limit!
Options abound for a Florida home color palette. To ensure that you will enjoy your space, consider again what typically draws your attention. If moving from home up north with a warm, red color palette you love, then in Florida you might use highlights of coral to enhance the coastal feel while keeping your warm color scheme. If you would like to try something new, then consider beginning with a neutral-based palette, which creates versatility in any space. Take a look around at some different images and take note of what catches your eye. You may be surprised at what you enjoy if you open yourself up to new ideas.
Finishing Touches: Home Sweet Home
Add finishing touches with your favorite family photos and artwork. Choose clean-lined or studio frames to personalize your new look. New frames can be chosen that will compliment your walls and décor, even unifying other textures in the home while drawing attention to your favorite framed memories. Enjoy bringing it all together with those touches of home that truly make it yours. Now is the time for some accent pillows and a vase of flowers, the icing on the cake!
Whether purchasing a new home or preparing to bring some life into your well-loved home, Tye Interior Design can help you create rooms that fashionably blend with the Southern Florida flavor, while also offering a beautiful space that is uniquely yours. We can help ensure your move to Florida is as seamless and enjoyable as possible! In lieu of cake samples, we do offer photos of our recent delicious home creations in this portfolio. Check out our website or stop by and ask questions. We look forward to getting to know you and your tastes, and helping you bring your Florida home to life!